Friday, July 30, 2004
Comments Revisited
Some time back, when I changed the template on this blog, some of you reported that you had to create an account and sign in to Blogger in order to post a comment. I wrote the Support group and asked why, if I had set my blog to permit anyone to leave a comment, would it be necessary for people to do that. I never received a reply to that question.
However, Shannon and I experimented with trying to leave a comment at our respective blogs from work, where we were NOT logged into Blogger. What we discovered is that there is a radio button you can check in the comments section to enable you to post anonymously. So those of you who are reluctant to create an account just so that you can leave a comment don't have to do that. Just check the button to post anonymously and all should be well.
Let me know if that works for you, please.
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Dave Steele indicates that he is still being prompted to create an account and password before he can leave a comment. I have just written the Support Group to ask, once again, why that is happening. I'll report back when I've gotten a reply. My apologies to any who still can't leave an anonymous comment.
Another user has just posted an anonymous comment successfully to this post ...
So it would appear that it CAN be done. If you are still having trouble, make sure you check the radio button (that I presume is there) to post anonymously. Then you should be able to post without having to create and account at blogger. Again, I'd appreciate continued feedback about this issue. Thanks.
So it would appear that it CAN be done. If you are still having trouble, make sure you check the radio button (that I presume is there) to post anonymously. Then you should be able to post without having to create and account at blogger. Again, I'd appreciate continued feedback about this issue. Thanks.
Hi Perry, Darrell Beasey fom Indianapolis. Trying the post using the Anonymous feature you pointed out. By the way, I enjoy your comments, tips and of course your insight and views on the various things you leave on your blog. You've become quite the photographer, as well, and I've enjoyed your visual postings. Looks as if the Anonmymous feature is going to work without a hitch for me.
Thanks for your note, Darrell. I'm pleased to hear for you and glad to hear that you didn't have any problems leaving your comment.
I now realize one downside of anonymous posting is that the only way I can reply is to post another comment, because I don't end up knowing the person's email address and therefore can't reply to them directly. I guess that's okay, though, if the person is a regular reader and he or she remembers to check the comments.
I look forward to your continuing to contribute your point of view as you see fit.
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I now realize one downside of anonymous posting is that the only way I can reply is to post another comment, because I don't end up knowing the person's email address and therefore can't reply to them directly. I guess that's okay, though, if the person is a regular reader and he or she remembers to check the comments.
I look forward to your continuing to contribute your point of view as you see fit.
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