Sunday, May 15, 2005
New version of The Bat!
For those of you who follow my passion for my email client, The Bat!, you'll find it of some interest to know that a new version (Version 3.5) has been released recently. It incorporates something we users have requested for a long time ... the ability to customize the interface. The Bat! is a power-user's email program with extensive filtering, macro and template capabilities, but anyone can use it, if they are interested in having an email program that is secure and powerful. I'd encourage you to consider downloading it and giving it a 30-day test drive to decide whether you'd like to register it and begin to explore its extensive capabilities. The best way to learn to use it is to sign up for TBUDL, The Bat! User Discussion List. Since I acquired The Bat! back in 2001, I have been subscribed to that discussion list and reading the discussions there, and I continue to learn new things almost every day as I read the messages others post there.