Sunday, February 20, 2005
Some Sunday morning links
For those of you who haven't seen this article at the New York Times (which requires a one-time, free registration), it provides a little more explanation of the phenomenon of podcasting, which has really taken off since about last August as a new form of expression on the Internet.
Doc Searls had an interesting post on February 16th, that I just read this morning, about the latest congressional attempt to regulate decency on the airwaves. I particularly recommend that you read the link titled The X-on Congress: Indecent Comment on an Indecent Subject, which is an irreverent piece written by a retired trial judge from Texas who is currently a professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Texas. Be prepared, if you follow my advice and read that link, for the fact that Judge Russell uses salty language to make his points about the importance of the First Amendment. His article was written in protest of the Telecommunications Bill that was intended to regulate speech on the Internet a few years back, and which has reappeared in a slightly-altered form in the current bill mentioned in Doc Searls' post.