Sunday, May 16, 2004
Spring cleaning ... of the electronic variety
I try to keep my home clean, but often I fail. My dedication to keeping my electronic house in order is probably greater than is my dedication to my physical home, but even with the electronic one, I often fail. So every once in a while, it's time to clean house. That has been this weekend's project.
Since installing the new hard disk yesterday and setting up Win XP as the operating system (OS), I've realized how good it is to move out of one house into another. Many of the files and programs that have accumulated from downloads and experiments through the years can be discarded when going to the new location, and the freshness of the pristine territory prompts all kinds resolutions to do a better job of cleaning up after those experiments in the future.
One of the issues when moving to a new home, whether it's a physical one or an electronic one, is how to arrange things in the new space. I wish knew of a course in the options for hard disk organization. On XP the issue of where to store things is more pressing and somewhat more confusing than it was on previous versions of Windows because of the possibility other users will want to have their own preferences when they are given access to the system. In my case, living alone is something of a blessing since I have to be less concerned than others might about making my computer "comfortable" for others. I'll be the only regular user. Still, I'd like to use the operating system's ability to segregate and separate multiple user's settings and preferences intelligently. So I'm faced with those choices in the coming days as I migrate some of the older things to the new digs. I'll try to keep you posted.