Saturday, May 22, 2004
Launched again!
BellSouth, the client our company supports, has decided to give all of their customer service business (not their tech support business) to our competitor, a group called TAG (_T_he _A_nswer _G_roup). This means massive change for our group of about 100 people, with probable layoffs for a large percentage of them/us. Ostensibly the cause wasn't our team's performance but cost. TAG was cheaper than we are.
The Operations Manager called me here at home yesterday afternoon (I was off because I work today, Saturday) to give me the news so I wouldn't be blindsided when I came in today with everyone else already knowing and my being ignorant. I appreciated the courtesy, but frankly I am not looking forward to the changes that are on the way. It's real easy to get comfortable when you've worked yourself into a groove (some might call it a rut) and can handle the things that come your way with some degree of skill. But I suppose Life has decided it's time for me to show again that I can adapt and succeed, so if that's what's in store, then that's what I'll do.
When my consulting firm folded, I drew a cartoon that captured the feeling it caused in me. It pictured a baby bird in a nest with its mouth wide open waiting, as they always are, to be fed. The next panel had the bird suspended in mid-air with his eyes the size of saucers and no nest beneath him. Several brush strokes signified that the nest had fallen, and the caption read, " ... and thus the enterprise begins."
Some launches happen before you think you are ready!