Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Dave Winer reports this potentially interesting bit of news in his Scripting News.
Starting work on a new tool, My Weblog Outliner. I just wrote up the design and am beginning work on the implementation. The goal is to offer a way for any blogger to edit posts in an outliner, even if they use another weblog tool, Blogger, Movable Type, Manila, etc; or post directly to weblogData.root, if it's a Radio weblog. This begins a new direction, providing tools that enhance the writing experience with Radio, even if you publish to a non-Radio weblog. As the market develops, people who are really interested, will use all the tools. This was what we saw in desktop publishing, people would use Pagemaker for some things, Quark for others, and add a bevy of compatible tools, like PhotoShop, Illustrator, scripting, databases, word processors, image managers, etc. That's going to happen with Web publishing too.