Monday, July 04, 2005
The annual SPEBSQSA International Show
This link: invites you to "check your computer and connection for 'webcast-readiness' with these preview files." All of this is in preparation for the upcoming webcast of the SPEBSQSA International Contest of Barbershop Quartets and Choruses that will take place in Salt Lake City between July 4th and July 9th. If you have a fast connection to the Internet, you can see and hear the contest ... for a fee. The fee for the broadband connection is $50.00, but I can promise you that it'll be worth it if you have any interest at all in this sort of thing. They've been doing these broadcasts for the last two or three years, and they are spectacular, and they are getting better each year. As with most things on the Internet, the faster your connection, the more you will be likely to enjoy it, simply because the webcast is so much better when it doesn't slow down or break up because of a slow connection.
If you only want to hear the audio, you can do that for free (for up to a 28.8 Kbps connection). If you are connecting at 56 Kbps (as most people are these days), you can see and hear the webcasts for $25.00 for the week. The schedule of events is contained in this link.