Saturday, June 22, 2002
Bloggers who don't post regularly suck!
If you start reading blogs regularly, you quickly realize how disappointing it is to visit a site several times in a row only to find that the site author hasn't posted anything new.So it is with a bit of shame-facedness that I once again get back in the saddle. My apologies for my absence. During the past week, I've surely had the time, but for some reason I've blocked on seeing anything I thought worth mentioning. Of course, that is the fallacy that prevents posting -- that everything you post must be profound. There would be far fewer blogs if we all only posted profound thoughts.
So in the spirit of getting back in gear
Here's a list of some things that have caught my attention lately.Lockergnome Tips
Lockergnome is the best and most popular PC-related newsletter on the Internet. Each day, the newsletter is written and distributed by our good friend Chris Pirillo. This download places a wealth of PC tips into one handy package. It covers almost everything you need to know and then some, from ISPs to Spam to security. All of the archived information is accessible from a user-friendly Windows help file, which can be searched and printed. Plus, the tips are sorted into the year and month they were written.
Using special HTML filters, the Proxomitron can transform web pages on the fly - changing most anything you wish. Speed your browsing by saying goodbye to slow loading cyber spam and other web-gimmickry. Customize pages to suit your tastes. Take control of your web viewing, and don't be slave to some web-master's whims.
It works with most any browser (not just the big two) and, for starters, can do the following keen things...
- Stop or limit Pop-up windows
- Control MIDI music and other sounds
- Freeze animated .GIFs - load only the first frame
- Kill most all advertising banners
- Stop Web-Branding and other scripts added by web space providers
- Stop Pop-up alert/confirm boxes
- Remove slow web counters
- Stop web pages and ads from "auto-refreshing"
- Remove Dynamic HTML
- Prevent getting stuck in someone's frames
- Remove frames or tables altogether for that matter
- Kill or change selected Java scripts and applets
- Add your own scripts to pages!
- Remove or replace web page and/or table background images
- Stop Status bar scrollers
- Unhide URLs obscured by status line text
- Convert blinking text to bold
- Remove Layers and Style sheets
- Automatically re-write or redirect URLs
- Create lists of sites to block or allow
- Create similar lists for just about anything else
- And as they say, much, much more...
All features can be individually toggled on and off, or limited to specific sites. Better yet, it's just a taste of what the many included filtering rules can do. You have the freedom to modify the rules or create new, equally powerful, rules of your own! You can add filters or complete configurations created by other Proxomitron users for an ever expaning array of tasks.
This site is devoted to wallowing in and/or despising those inspirational messages that people, for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, feel compelled to forward unceasingly around the Internet.
If you have the urge to glurge, or are sick and tired of these emails-no matter how inspirational-clogging up your inbox, post them here on has been designed to act as a bulletin board for glurge believers to share their stories. Post your own, or simply surf the site for some moral lessons that hit a nerve or provide a sense of hope or purpose. Alternatively, all you non-believers will get a kick out of some of the more outrageous and sickly sweet tales.
This link takes you to the site author's answer to the question, "What is Lindows?"
What follows below is the content of their "About" link. is a consumer company that brings choice to computer users., Inc. uses the latest technology to create affordable, intuitive, user-friendly products., Inc. was started by Michael Robertson, founder and former CEO of At the core of is a new operating system called LindowsOSTM, a modern, affordable, easy-to-use operating system with the ability to run both Windows� and Linux� software.